Concord Analytical Services Laboratory are experts in the field of Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) analysis. We are one of the first companies in Canada to offer this test and are accredited for this scope as well. With CASL, you can expect high quality results delivered in a timely manner.
What Is Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM)?
DPM is part of a complex mixture that makes up diesel exhaust. Diesel engines provide power to heavy equipment and vehicles used in various industries. Occupations with potential exposure include miners, construction workers, vehicle maintenance workers, loading dock workers, railroad workers and many others. Diesel Exhaust (DE) exposure may cause serious health effects both in the short and long term.
Governmental bodies in Canada and the United States associate DE as an occupational hazard stating prolonged DE/DPM exposure can increase the risk of cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary and respiratory disease, and lung cancer.
The Canadian and U.S. governments have issued acceptable limits of exposure to help keep workers safe.
How Can We Help?
Concord Analytical Services Ltd. (CASL) has been equipped with a Sunset Laboratory OC-EC (Organic Carbon – Elemental Carbon) Aerosol Analyzer since 2009. Since acquiring the instrument, we have proudly serviced a majority of the Canadian Mining Industry, Universities, various sectors of the Canadian Government, as well as many Industrial Hygiene firms by providing OC/EC analysis. The scope of our Canadian Association of Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) ISO 17025 accreditation includes DPM Analysis. We follow the NIOSH 5040 method for this test. We provide our clients with the Organic, Elemental (OCEC) and Total Carbon (TC) results for each sample.
Filter Media:
We supply pre-fired 37mm Quartz Fiber Filters in 3 piece cassettes. We are also able to provide filters in custom sizes for our clients such as 25mm or 47mm to sample for Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) analysis.
Need More Information About DPM?
Click here to view a Power Point presentation given by Igor Levin of CASL at the 2013 OHAO (Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario) Fall Symposium

CASL laboratory is accredited by CALA in accordance with the recognised International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system (refer joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué
dated January 2009